Additional Resources

TEMPLATE – Generative AI Use Policy

Here’s a link to the Generative AI Use Policy template we mentioned in Lesson 2.

This blog post from the Marketing AI Institute titled “The Responsible AI Manifesto” outlines their level-headed approach to a GAIUP.

They enhanced this blog post with a complete podcast episode covering their Responsible AI Manifesto.



Generative AI Usage in Businesses

Ten Considerations for Developing an Effective Generative AI Use Policy

Make Sure Generative AI Policies Cover Intellectual Property

6 Best Practices to Develop a Corporate Use Policy for Generative AI

Generative AI Policy Guidance | Office of Community Standard

Google’s Generative AI Prohibited Use Policy

Policy for ChatGPT – The Corporate Governance Institute

An Early Guide to Policymaking on Generative AI 

How WIRED Will Use Generative AI Tools | WIRED

Generative AI policy: PwC


Data Privacy and AI

Harvard Business Review – Is Your Privacy Governance Ready for AI?

Protecting Privacy in an AI-Driven World

How SMBs can Navigate Data Security

OpenAI’s internal Data Privacy Policy


Additional Topics

AI RISK MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK from the National Institute of Standards and Technologies, a division of the US Department of Commerce

ARTICLE: Researchers’ tool finds bias in state-of-the-art generative AI model, UC Santa Cruz – Department of Computer Science

VIDEO (14m 02s) – The Urgent Risks of Runaway AI, and What to Do about Them,  A TED Talk with GARY MARCUS, a leading voice in artificial intelligence. In this presentation, he presents a whole new dimension to the risks of ungoverned AI.

VIDEO (10m 55s) – Why Artificial Intelligence Developers Say Regulation is Needed to Keep AI in Check, PBS Newshour reporting on the recent hearings on Capitol Hill regarding governance of AI usage –